Workers' Compensation | Shoulder & Knee Surgeon Perth
Workers' Compensation
SHOULDER & Knee SURGEON PERTH | Workers' compensation
Workers' compensation
SHOULDER & Knee SURGEON PERTH | Workers' compensation
Workers' compensation
Making an insurance claim on a damaged car is a stressful process. But when it comes to making an insurance claim for an injury to your body, the stress goes up to a whole new level.
If you have been injured at work, Dr Colvin can help you navigate the complexity of the workers’ compensation scheme while you recover from your injury.
Making a workers’ compensation claim is the start of a long journey and it can be quite a rollercoaster. Dr Colvin specialises in the treatment of shoulder and knee work injuries. Throughout this journey there is one primary goal that we must never lose sight of: to get you better. All the stress and anxiety related to a workers’ compensation claim is relieved once you have had successful treatment and made a good recovery.Â
Dr Colvin has many resources that you can access to help you with the challenges posed by your workers’ compensation claim. These include:
- An eBook which comprehensively explains the workers’ compensation process from start to finish. It explains how claims get lodged, how claims get finalized, and everything in between.
- A patient survival guide with tips on avoiding the pitfalls – in the second eBook.
- Detailed rehabilitation programs to give you the optimal post-operative recovery and reduce the amount of time you spend with therapists.
- Guidelines on how to manage your post-operative pain. This is critical to completing your rehabilitation successfully.
- An informative blog written specifically for workers’ compensation patients which covers some of the frequently asked questions and common challenges encountered in the workers’ compensation scheme.
- Detailed explanations about all common shoulder and knee surgeries on his website. Knowledge is power, and
understanding the nature of your problem and the treatment options will give you control over the recovery process.
Patients often feel the workers’ compensation scheme has taken over their life. Dr Colvin believes that successful management of your work injury means handing control back to you. It is your injury and you get to choose your treating doctors, therapists and rehabilitation team.
We need to get your injury treated and get you back in the game.