Knee Surgeon Perth for knee cap surgery
Arthroscopic Lateral Release
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
What is surgery for knee cap pain?
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
What causes knee cap pain?
Maltracking and tilt of the patella often causes knee cap pain. The knee cap runs in a groove at the front of the knee called the trochlea. When the patella does not run centrally in the trochlear groove, it is called maltracking. A maltracking patellar tilts to the outer side of the knee. The excessive load on the outer half of the knee cap causes pain. Over time, the tissues on the outer half of the knee cap shorten and tighten. The overloaded knee cap can wear, leading to knee cap arthritis.
Without knee cap surgery, we try to stretch the lateral retinaculum that is tight, strengthen the inner quadriceps muscles (VMO), and use taping or a knee cap brace to centralise the knee cap. If this isn’t successful, treatment with arthroscopic lateral release surgery may be recommended.
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
CO.RE exercises
In the field of shoulder and knee reconstruction, successful outcomes from an operation are 50% surgery and 50% rehabilitation. You could say the surgery is the easy bit, the rehabilitation is all hard slog.
Dr Colvin’s CO.RE exercise programs are just that, a core plan for your successful recovery.
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
How is a lateral release performed?
The lateral release is performed with keyhole surgery. Arthroscopic knee surgery will achieve two things. Firstly, Dr Colvin can smooth off roughened areas of wear.
Secondly, surgery will allow release of the tight lateral retinaculum which will correct the tilt and maltracking of the knee cap. This surgery produces a correction very similar to taping or bracing of the knee cap, but does so permanently.
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
What happens after arthroscopic lateral release?
A lateral release is a more substantial operation than a routine arthroscopy. Cutting of the tissues means that there’s more bleeding, swelling and pain initially. It’s necessary to stay in hospital one night with a drain in the knee to remove blood. A brace is not needed after surgery, although you may return to using a small patellofemoral brace as soon as the swelling has resolved. Crutches may be required for one or two days but should be discarded as soon as possible.
Your sutures will be removed at the postoperative appointment with Dr Colvin’s nurse one week after surgery. At this time you will be advised on a rehabilitation program protocol and referred back to your physiotherapist. Swelling in the knee may continue for up to three months.
Knee cap surgery | knee surgeon Perth
Need more advice about knee cap surgery?
Dr Colvin is a highly qualified and experienced orthopaedic surgeon and he can advise you on all of the non-surgical treatment options for patellofemoral pain. If you have exhausted all of those treatment options, he may recommend arthroscopic lateral release. If you have any questions about your orthopaedic surgery, please contact our Perth clinic for more information.