Why am I being singled out?
To the insurance company, a workers’ compensation claim is just another insurance claim, no different to a car accident. By its very nature, any insurance system is somewhat adversarial.
To the insurance company, a workers’ compensation claim is just another insurance claim, no different to a car accident. By its very nature, any insurance system is somewhat adversarial.
About six months after you have lodged a workers’ compensation claim, you may receive a letter from your employer or insurer indicating that your termination date is about another six months away.
One of the commonest things I hear from patients who are on a return to work program is that they feel that their colleagues think they are “bludging”.
The results of rotator cuff repair surgery in young people are generally very good and most people return to their previous occupation.
Successful pain management is critical to the recovery from any injury. Some patients struggle with pain management and are referred to pain specialists.
Your workers’ compensation claim cannot be finalized until you have reached maximum medical improvement.
Although it is not common, I occasionally see patients who have had a work related injury to their knee where the underlying arthritic changes are so severe that the only appropriate treatment would be a knee replacement.
Unfortunately if a work injury is severe enough to require surgical treatment, then it is highly unlikely that we will ever reach that gold standard 100% recovery.
The recovery from major reconstructive surgery is never a straightforward path. There are inevitable ups and downs and occasionally minor aggravations or re-injuries.
Dr David Colvin consults at:
West Coast Orthopaedic Centre
These rooms are part of St John of God Subiaco Hospital.
Parking is available on site.
Suite 213/25 McCourt St,
Subiaco WA 6008
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