Knee Surgeon Perth for MPFL reconstruction

MPFL Reconstruction

Knee surgery for knee cap dislocation

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

What is MPFL reconstruction?

Two knee reconstruction procedures are used for a dislocating patella. The first is Tibial Tubercle Transfer (TTT) and the second is Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction (MPFL).

The knee cap or patella acts as a pulley at the front of the knee. It allows the large quadriceps muscles of your thigh to pull across the front of the knee acting on the patellar tendon to straighten the knee. The patellar sits in a groove at the front of the femur (thigh bone) called a trochlea groove. With a direct blow or a twisting injury, the patella can be dislocated out of its groove onto the outside of the knee joint.

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

How does the MPFL tear?

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon PerthHere in Perth, playing netball would be one of the most frequent causes of a dislocated patella. When the patella is forced to the outside of the knee joint, everything that is attached to the inner half of the knee cap is torn or damaged. The muscle here is the VMO which is the inner quadriceps muscle.

The ligament attaching to the inner half of the knee cap is the medial patellofemoral ligament. It is one of the major structures which keeps the knee cap centralised in its groove. Patella dislocation tears the MPFL and sprains the VMO muscle.

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

What happens during the MPFL reconstruction?

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon PerthTo perform this reconstructive knee surgery, your orthopaedic surgeon will make a new ligament to replace the torn MPFL. He can use a graft tendon from your body such as a hamstring tendon or part of the quadriceps tendon, or an artificial ligament called the LARS graft.

Holes are drilled in the femur, and the inner edge of the patella and the new ligament is secured in these holes with screws. MPFL reconstruction is sometimes combined with Tibial Tubercle Transfer surgery (TTT).

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

CO.RE exercises

CO.RE Exercises | shoulder surgeon PerthIn the field of shoulder and knee reconstruction, successful outcomes from an operation are 50% surgery and 50% rehabilitation. You could say the surgery is the easy bit, the rehabilitation is all hard slog.

Dr Colvin’s CO.RE exercise programs are just that, a core plan for your successful recovery.

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

Rehabilitation after MPFL reconstruction surgery

Crutches are required for one week. A full-length knee brace is used for the first three weeks. A smaller patellofemoral brace should be used after that. Rehabilitation exercises will commence during your hospital stay and will continue under the supervision of Dr Colvin and your physiotherapist.

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

Is MPFL reconstruction an option for you?

If you are experiencing recurrent patella dislocation, then the chance of further damage to your knee cap is high. MPFL reconstruction can stabilise your dislocating patella and allow a return to normal activities and sport. If you think you might benefit from MPFL reconstruction surgery, call to make an appointment with your orthopaedic surgeon at our Perth practice to discuss your options.

MPFL reconstruction | knee surgeon Perth

Related topics

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Orthopaedic surgeon Perth

About Perth Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr David Colvin

Dr David Colvin, a Perth orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in shoulder and knee injuries, understands that a painful joint or a joint that doesn’t function properly, can have a huge impact on your quality of life.